Payment Policy

We accept payment through debit card, credit card or net banking and many other secure payment gateways such as Google Pay, Paytm, UPI, Paypal and many more.

Late Fee/Non-Payment issues:

  • All services will be canceled if you delay or fail to pay for the renewal within 7 days of the due date.
  • Your website and other services will be suspended from our end after 14 days.
  • Your website and data will be erased from all of our systems after 30 days of non-payment.
  • Your complete data including website, emails, and other details, will be removed instantly.

Our executives will assist/ guide you to the complete process.

In case you could not complete the payment process due to any reason or your payment process fails, mail us your details with screenshots attached on We will revert back with the solution within less possible time.

Payment process is made easier so that anyone can process it. In case feel any difficulty, you don’t want to pay online or through cards contact our helpdesk – +91 9123329577.